Knowing when and where you can land fish.
Be confident your success is our goal. Together, we’ll plan your custom trip based on when you arrive.
As master anglers in the upper Susitna Valley, we know when and where you can land fish. Water levels play a role with stream conditions and clarity.
To match migratory fishing patterns, we’ll stay nimble. We’ll choose your adventure to reach remote locations by jetboat, raft, walk-in, or fly-out.
There are times when the salmon fishing is so amazing that fish will bump into your legs. We want to send you home with Alaskan wilderness stories to share with your friends and family.

Rainbows & Dollies
Mid to Late May
Depending on water conditions, the rivers may have ice and we could still have high water. That said, late May can be a great time to chase rainbows when the water conditions allow. Our rainbows come back into the streams to spawn and the fishing can be exciting. It’s technical and requires patience, but it’s rewarding.
Kings, Rainbows & Grayling
While salmon are extremely rare in May, by mid-June Kings often begin to arrive. Please note: King salmon are heavily restricted in our valley, and can rarely be harvested. Based on escapement numbers, each season results in changing regulations. When regulations allow, our fly roding for Kings are strictly catch and release. Bringing one to hand can be pleasantly exhausting, yet ultimately exciting.
Kings, Rainbows & Grayling
Early July
Rainbows abound and are just starting to key on eggs. Grayling numbers often improve these weeks as well. Kings are locked on to the spawning beds.
Sockeyes, Kings, Pinks, Chums & Rainbows
Mid to Late July
By mid-July, rainbows are lying behind King salmon and trout fishing is starting to peak. You’ll catch these fish on a mix of beads, streamers, and mice.
The last week of July brings Sockeyes, and the beginning of the Pink and Chum run, along with the occasional Silver.
Sockeyes, Pinks, Chums, Kings & Rainbows
Early August
Historically, the first week of August offers some of the best fishing of the year. With a few slivers showing up it’s a possibility to connect with all five species of salmon. Typically, with the exception of Kings, they are in great shape. With stable water conditions it’s possible to have high fish number days while still being able to find a few rainbows that are starting look downright fat.
Silvers, Sockeyes, Pinks, Chums & Rainbows
Mid to Late August
Silvers will start to increase, while Chums and Pinks are often peaking. The fishing can be great for all but Kings. Rainbows may be harder to find when the stream numbers are thick with salmon. During the second week of August, you’ll often experience salmon in numbers high enough that in some small streams they’ll bump into your legs.
Silvers, Rainbows, Dollies & Chums
The first week can still have notable numbers of Silvers and even Chums. Silver fishing in 2017 was still good up until the second week of September, but that was historically late. Rainbow fishing is improving at this time of year, especially when you find late-season spawning salmon. Beads, flesh flies, streamers, and mice are still effective. Jet boating can still be an option.